Not too long ago, a film titled Khel Khel Mein was announced featuring Akshay Kumar in the lead along with Taapsee Pannu, Vaani Kapoor, Ammy Virk, Aditya Seal, Pragya Jaiswal and Fardeen Khan in equally pivotal roles. Touted to be a comedy-drama, the film promises to be a perfect blend of humour and emotions and will be directed by Mudassar Aziz. Now, release date has been locked for the same and it has been learnt that the movie is all set to hit the screens on September 6, 2024. Sharing the same on social media, the official Instagram page posted a photo featuring the entire cast, namely, Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, and others and wrote in the post, “Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of laughter, drama & loads of fun! Mark your calendars for September 06, 2024 when #KhelKhelMein hits the theatres.” It also tagged the entire team of the film including Aditya Seal, Pragya Jaiswal, and Ammy Virk. With the entire ensemble cast coming together for the fi...