Bollywood Hungama was the first one to report in December 2024 that Ram Gopal Varma’s cult flick Satya (1998) is all set to re-release on January 17. Now Bollywood Hungama has learned that a special screening of the film will be held to celebrate its re-release. Popular radio station, Radio Nasha, has taken the initiative to organize the screening on Wednesday, January 15, at a multiplex in Mumbai. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “As it happens for Nasha Premiere Nights, the screening will be graced by the cast and crew of the film. They’ll go down memory lane and speak about the film, memories of shooting it, etc. A lot of trivia, which has never come out before, is expected to be divulged by the team members of Satya. However, unlike other Nasha Premiere Nights events, the screening will take place first followed by the Q-and-A with the cast and crew. Usually, it’s the other way round.” When asked who would be present at the screening, the source ...