OMG Oh My God, which was released in 2012, was a courtroom drama which starred Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal. It was the story of Kanji (Paresh Rawal), an atheist, whose shop got destroyed in an earthquake. When the insurance company refused to reimburse him citing ‘act of God’, Kanji filed a case against God. Akshay Kumar played Lord Krishna and how He became a part of Kanji’s struggle formed the crux of the film. Now, after 11 years since the triumph of Oh My God, Akshay Kumar is set to delight audiences once again with the sequel, Oh My God 2, a social comedy that promises to entertain and engage viewers. As per Pinkvilla, a source close to the development said, “Akshay Kumar along with his partners, Ashwin Varde, Viacom 18, and Jio Studios have decided on a theatrical release for Oh My God 2. Several discussions happen throughout the course of making, but, Oh My God 2 was always announced as a theatrical venture. The officials never commented on the OTT release, and even today, th...