Making her debut with Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, Ameesha Patel, who has acted with some of the biggest stars like Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgn, Anil Kapoor, among others, recently opened up about the films in her career. Riding high on the success of Gadar 2, Ameesha recalled her journey in Bollywood and discussed with Bollywood Hungama about the films she chose, about the films she had faith in, and also discussed the reason behind the films not meeting her expectations. When asked her about films she had faith in but failed to perform at the box office, Ameesha revealed to Bollywood Hungama that she had a lot of expectations from the Salman Khan starrer Yeh Hai Jalwa, Ajay Devgan starrer Zameer, and Aamir Khan starrer Mangal Pandey. Talking about the film with Salman, Ameesha said, “I think Yeh Hai Jalwa was one of David Dhawan’s, best films. Salman has never looked more handsome and this music and everything was good. But I think earlier, the audiences were not so op...