Yesterday, Bollywood Hungama reported the viral news about the show-sharing issues between Anil Thadani’s AA Films, the distributors of Pushpa 2 – The Rule and PVR Inox Pictures, who are releasing Baby John in cinemas this Christmas. The meeting between the two parties went on for a long time yesterday, that is, Thursday, December 19. A little after midnight, the issue was finally resolved, for now. Last night, it seemed like Pushpa 2 – The Rule will be discontinued from the properties of PVR and Inox. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “Both parties have decided to take a pause. The issues aren’t solved but nevertheless, Pushpa 2 – The Rule’s advance booking for the third weekend was opened after midnight. However, the multiplexes can sell tickets for the film only until Sunday, December 22. It is yet to be seen how the showcasing plays out for Monday, December 23 and Tuesday, December 24, and of course, once Baby John releases on Wednesday, December 25.” Another source told us, “Many...