Bringing back the legendary cast - Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman, Dayanand Shetty as Daya, and Aditya Srivastavaa as Abhijeet, CID, which has captivated audiences for over two decades, is set to make an explosive return next month, on Sony Entertainment Television. Fans have been eagerly celebrating this revival, reliving their childhood memories. To add to their excitement, the makers have now unveiled a new promo that has piqued their interest. In the last promo, fans were left shocked to see the deadly bullet hit the popular cop – Inspector Daya which was allegedly fired by his best friend and cop, Abhijeet. However, in the freshly released promo, in a jaw-dropping twist, Daya is seen making a heroic return with his signature style and enters “darwaza todkar”, with a hard-hitting dialogue: "Dushman bhi mujhe mita nahi paaye, main wapas aagaya, apne liye ladne aur jo bhool gaya hai, usse yaad dilane ki liye (Enemies couldn’t destroy me, I am back to fight for myself and to re...