Priyanka Chopra Jonas has joined the Academy Award-nominated documentary feature To Kill A Tiger, as one of the executive producers. She joins a long list of producers, including Dev Patel, and Mindy Kaling, among others. This news comes after Netflix inked a deal for the documentary to be launched globally on the streaming platform. As per Deadline, an official statement read, “Priyanka has stood as an unwavering advocate for the film since debuting at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2022, captivated by its poignant narrative depicting a father’s valiant struggle within the judicial system to secure justice for his daughter.” Among the several executive producers include Dr. Atul Gawande, the surgeon and bestselling author, Canadian poet Rupi Kaur, writer-producer Andy Cohen, Deepa Mehta, Anita Lee, Andrew Dragoumis, Shivani Rawat, Mona Sinha, Mala Gaonkar, Regina Scully, Anita Bhatia, Niraj Bhatia, and others. Co-produced by Notice Pictures Inc. and the National Film Bo...