Produced by Priyanka Dutt, C. Aswani Dutt, and Swapna Dutt under the banner of Vyjayanthi Movies and directed by Nag Ashwin, Kalki 2989 AD features Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone, and Disha Patani in leading roles. The film will be available for Prime members in India and over 240 countries and territories in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam, with English subtitles, on August 22. Prime Video has announced the Telugu action-adventure Kalki 2989 AD will premiere globally on August 22, 2024. After a successful theatrical run, it will be available for streaming in its original Telugu, with dubs in Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam, and English subtitles, for Prime members in India and over 240 countries and territories. View this post on Instagram A post shared by prime video IN (@primevideoin) Whereas, Kalki 2989 AD - Hindi will stream globally on Netflix on August 22, 2024. Directed by Nag Ashwin and produced by Priyanka Dutt, C. Aswani Dutt...