Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif tied the knot in 2021, marking a significant moment in their relationship. In a recent conversation, Vicky, who hails from a nuclear family, shared insights into his life with Katrina, who comes from a large family of six sisters and a brother. The actor expressed his admiration for Katrina's family, describing them as down-to-earth and enjoyable company. Talking to India Today, Vicky said, “It's great, they are fun people and they are as normal as any other family, very loving people. I always love hanging out with them, whenever that opportunity comes. When it's a full house, all the siblings get together, and the entire family comes together, it's like a party.” During the conversation, the actor candidly revealed that Katrina Kaif serves as his most honest and uncompromising critic. He explained, “Katrina is my biggest critic, she is the most brutal critic. My parents also tell me the truth about what was good or bad,...