In 2018, Karan Johar produced Dhadak, which marked the debut of Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter. Directed by Shashank Khaitan, it was the official remake of the 2016 Marathi blockbuster Sairat, starring Akash Thosar and Rinku Rajguru. And now, it has come to light that one more Marathi film has caught Karan Johar’s eye and if all goes well, he might soon be remaking it. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “Karan Johar had been in talks to remake Jhimma (2021). He loved the film’s concept, funny and emotional moments and its characters. The talks began last year and the recent developments are not known. Nevertheless, if all goes well and if he gets the right actors, the Dharma Productions’ head honcho would be going ahead with Jhimma’s remake.” The source further said, “Jhimma comprises an all-female cast. On Karan Johar’s wish list are Madhuri Dixit, Vidya Balan and Neena Gupta. He feels that these three actors will do complete justice. Also, bringing t...