On Tuesday, the young child's mother posted a sweet photo of her little replica heading to school in a checkered uniform to Instagram. Dream, the 5-year-old daughter of Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian, has begun kindergarten. "dream's First Day in Kindergarten" Proud parent moment," Chyna, 34, wrote as the comment for the image. The child was wearing a white peplum top, a blue plaid skirt, and a navy cardigan in the photo, and one follower said, "So gorgeous." In addition to a headband that fitted her outfit, Dream accessorized with a set of white knee socks and a set of Nike shoes. Another follower said, "Oh god have a nice day, gorgeous," and a third added, "[she] seems very much like Rob." The adorable Kardashian child was previously photographed spending time with his cousins Penelope Disick, 10, Chicago West, 4, and True Thompson, 4. A picture of the gang, which featured Kim and Khloé Kardashian supporting North West, 9, at a bask...