Salman Khan is all set for his famous Da-Bangg Tour and the actor has shared his excitement on social media. Khan, who rarely posts on the platform, took to X aka Twitter, to announce the news about the tour along with the other members like his Dabangg co-star Sonakshi Sinha, Kick co-star Jacqueline Fernandez, Bharat co-star Disha Patani, Wanted filmmaker Prabhu Deva, and along with them, Tamannaah Bhatia, Maniesh Paul, Aastha Gill, and Sunil Grover will also be joining him. The actor posted this announcement calling out to all his Dubai fans, and said, “DUBAI get ready for DA-BANGG THE TOUR - RELOADED on 7th December 2024”. He has also has tagged his brother Sohail Khan, who will be managing the event along with a few other partners. This news comes in the midst of reports that the actor is planning on maintaining a low profile. Readers would be aware that the Khan family is undergoing challenging times after the demise of Baba Siddique, who was a close family friend. Moreover, cons...