As the prestigious BAFTA awards draw near, a star-studded lineup of presenters has been confirmed, including renowned personalities such as David Beckham, Cate Blanchett, and Dua Lipa. Joining this esteemed list is Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who is set to grace the stage at the upcoming ceremony on Sunday, February 18. Deepika Padukone will be presenting a coveted BAFTA Film Award alongside luminaries from the entertainment industry. The BAFTA ceremony promises a captivating evening with an array of presenters, including Adjoa Andoh from the series Bridgerton, Hugh Grant from Wonka, and Lily Collins from Emily in Paris. The event will also feature appearances by acclaimed actors Emma Corrin, Gillian Anderson, Himesh Patel, and Idris Elba. The BAFTA Film Awards, scheduled to take place at the Royal Festival Hall in London, will be broadcast on the BBC and iPlayer in the U.K., as well as on streaming platform Britbox for international audiences. The event is expected to draw ...