Bollywood actress Sharvari Wagh, who was last seen in Bunty Aur Babli 2, is all set to enter the spy universe of Yash Raj Films. If reports are anything to go by, the actress is the latest star to join the action world. For the same, she has begun her training. On her Instagram, Sharvari Wagh posted a video of herself training in backflips with her train. The actress wrote, “Getting closer, one flip at a time!” A day prior, several reports stated that the actress is also part of the prestigious YRF spy universe. ANI quoted a source saying, “Sharvari has been groomed for years within the well-oiled YRF system that has consistently produced superstars. Adi (Aditya Chopra) believes in Sharvari’s talent and the industry too feels she is an artiste to watch out for. She is a fantastic actor and is extremely gorgeous. Basically, she has all that it takes to be the next female superstar of the country.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharvari ???? (@sharvari) ...