On Thursday night in New York City, the Oscar-winning actor, who is 61 years old, and his wife, Amal Clooney, who is 44 years old, attended the first-ever Albie Awards, which the Clooney Foundation sponsored for Justice. Outside the New York Public Library, George discussed with PEOPLE the aspect of collaborating with Amal on the event that brought him the most joy. We work together on everything, after all. The creation of twins was a group effort. The actor from Ticket to Paradise made the statement. However, you should know that this case is interesting because Amal has successfully rescued journalists from jails in Egypt, Azerbaijan, and elsewhere throughout the world, including Myanmar. Those individuals whose entire lives have been devoted to the pursuit of Justice were honored with Albie Awards. Meryl Streep, Dua Lipa, John Oliver, Julia Roberts, Bruce Springsteen, and Patti Scialfa were just some of the famous people who were on hand for the event. According to George, his wife is very talented in the area of the work they do for the Albie Awards and with their foundation. He went on to say that my paternal grandfather was a writer. Because her mother was a journalist, I feel a solid connection to them. So, therefore, it is gratifying for me whenever she can get those who have been wrongfully accused for doing their work released from [jail]. As for me, I want to say that I couldn't possibly be more proud of my wife. In response to the question of what lessons George anticipates Alexander and Ella, who are now five years old, will learn from their parents, he responded, "There's heaps of stuff." But the most important thing is to confront those in positions of power and stand up for those who have none. George and Amal Clooney established the Albie Awards in honor of Justice Albie Sachs to draw attention to those defenders of Justice who put themselves in danger due to their work. On Thursday, Albie was presented with an award for lifetime accomplishment in recognition of his selfless dedication to working toward the abolition of apartheid in South Africa.
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