Salman Khan lit up the stage at Expo 2020 in Dubai on Friday night as part of his Da-Bangg tour. At Dubai Duty-Free Tennis Stadium, the star-studded tour performance took place. Sonakshi Sinha, Pooja Hegde, Disha Patani, Aayush Sharma, Guru Randhawa, Saiee Manjrekar, Kamaal Khan, and Maniesh Paul performed in front of thousands of live audience members alongside Salman Khan. Salman Khan returned to Mumbai on Saturday night after his explosive performance. He was seen at the airport wearing a checked shirt with red, black, and white colours. He dressed it down with a grey T-shirt and black denim. Meanwhile, Salman danced to some of his hit songs during his performance in Dubai. The superstar is seen dancing to the legendary song 'Jeene Ke Hai Chaar Din' in one of the videos, and the crowd went wild as he did the signature towel dance. The actor also gave a passionate performance to the song "Slow Motion" from his film Bharat. He also performed to the song 'Dil De...