Dharma Productions, one of India's leading film production houses, has caught the attention of Reliance Industries Limited, which is reportedly in talks to take a stake in the company. This possible acquisition comes at a time when Dharma Productions has experienced significant financial fluctuations over the past few years. In FY 2021-22, the company faced a sharp decline in net profits, down by 59% to Rs. 11 crores. This drop was largely driven by high operational expenses, which reached Rs. 1,028 crores. Despite this, the company managed to generate Rs. 19 crores from distribution, Rs. 167 crores from the sale of digital rights, Rs. 34 crores from satellite rights, and Rs. 21 crores from music rights, making up a total revenue of Rs. 278 crores. Fast forward to FY 2022-23, Dharma Productions saw a substantial recovery. Its revenues soared to Rs. 1,044 crores, driven by Rs. 656 crores from distribution rights, Rs. 140 crores from digital rights, Rs. 83 crores from satellite rig...