It’s that time of the year again! On May 2, 2024, Bollywood's most prestigious style extravaganza, the ‘Bollywood Hungama Style Icons’ Awards returns with even more grandeur and sophistication, building upon the tremendous success of our inaugural event in 2023. This year's ceremony promises to be an all-day affair, unlike anything seen before! Kicking off with insightful panel discussions in the first half, industry experts and fashion aficionados shall delve into latest trends that shapes Indians’ style across the globe, thanks to inspirations from the showbiz world, especially Bollywood. After back-to-back engaging discussions, Bollywood Hungama and its partners shall put up a dazzling award show at a glittering awards night. Honouring the trailblazers, trendsetters, and style mavens who have redefined fashion in Bollywood, the awards night will be a spectacle to behold. Watch this space for updates on celebrity attendees, red carpet moments, and the winners of the most ...