Actress Radhika Apte had a travel experience no one would envy. She and her fellow passengers found themselves locked inside an airport aerobridge with no access to basic amenities like restrooms or water. Radhika took to Instagram to share her ordeal, highlighting the frustration and inconvenience faced by the passengers. The Sacred Games actress’ flight, scheduled for an 8:30 AM departure, was already delayed. However, the airline's solution to the delay was bizarre - they herded all passengers into the aerobridge and locked them in! This meant the flight was delayed, and passengers, including those with small children and elderly individuals, were stuck in a confined space with no way out. Radhika's Instagram post captures the passengers' plight. A video clip shows people crowded behind a locked glass door, some even pleading with the security personnel. Photos depict passengers, including the actress and her team, sitting on the floor amidst the chaos. In her post, t...