Sunny Deol is on a high right now as his latest film, Gadar 2, is doing record business at the box office. In 9 days, it has earned nearly Rs. 336 crores, surprising the trade and industry. However, on the other hand, it has come to light that he is facing financial difficulties. As per a notice in The Times Of India dated August 20, a notice published by Bank Of Baroda states that Sunny Villa, owned by the actor and situated in Mumbai’s Juhu area, will be e-auctioned for non-payment of dues. The notice states that Ajay Singh Deol aka Sunny Deol is the borrower and guarantor and that the total amount owed by him to the bank is Rs. 55,99,80,766.33. In other words, he owes Rs. 55.99 crores or nearly Rs. 56 crores which he failed to pay on time. As a result, the property will be auctioned on September 25, 2023. The auction won’t be held physically and will be done virtually. An insider told Bollywood Hungama, “The notice states that the buyer, after paying the amount, will get ...