A day after actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an intruder at his Bandra residence, an auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who took him to the Lilavati Hospital, said he was not aware that the passenger he was taking to the Hospital was film actor Saif Ali Khan. He said, “I drive my vehicle at night. It was around 2-3 am when I saw a woman trying to hire an auto but nobody stopped. I could also hear calls for a rickshaw from inside the gate. After I took a U-turn and stopped my vehicle at the gate, a man who was covered in blood came out. 2-4 people also accompanied him.” He added, “They put him in the auto...They decided to go to Lilavati. I dropped them off there...I then came to know that he is Saif Ali Khan...I saw him bleeding from his neck and back.” #WATCH | Attack on #SaifAliKhan | Mumbai: Bhajan Singh Rana, autorickshaw driver who rushed the actor to Lilavati Hospital after the attack, says, "I drive my vehicle at night. It was around 2-3 am when I saw a woman tryi...
Martin Scorsese backs Iranian director jailed over Cannes screening
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Oscar winner urges signing of petition after Iran court finds Saeed Roustaee guilty of ‘contributing to propaganda’ for showing banned movie
Martin Scorsese has backed a petition against the jailing of the prominent Iranian movie director Saeed Roustaee for screening a film at the Cannes film festival.
Scorsese, the Oscar-winning director of Taxi Driver and Goodfellas, reposted a campaign launched by his daughter Francesca this week after news of Roustaee’s prison sentence emerged.
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