Megastar Amitabh Bachchan launched the trailer of producer and good friend Anand Pandit’s upcoming Gujarati movie Tron Ekka on his official Twitter page. He captioned the tweet, “T 4711 - The Terrific Trio is back again with hilarious rib-tickling comedy. Get ready to get your mind blown. Wishing my dear friend @anandpandit63 loads of success.” Sharing his bond with Bachchan, Anand Pandit said in a statement, “He willingly decided to do a cameo in my last Gujarati film, Fakt Mahilao Maate and took the audience by complete surprise. But even if he is not on-screen in one of my productions, his constant support and encouragement mean a lot to me. I couldn't be happier that he has launched the trailer of this very special film.” Directed by Rajesh Sharma, Tron Ekka stars Yash Soni, Malhar Thakar and Mitra Gadhvi in pivotal roles, along with Hitu Kanodiya, Kinjal Rajpriya, Esha Kansara, Tarjanee Bhadla, Chetan Daiya. T 4711 - The Terrific Trio is back again with hilarious rib-tickli...