Towards the end of November 2022, Bollywood Hungama had announced the first edition of the Bollywood Hungama Style Icons Awards. The event, which will honour some of the most stylish individuals in the world of entertainment, has been creating quite a bit of buzz since its announcement. Following the announcement, we had also unveiled the logo of the Bollywood Hungama Style Icons which is curated and directed by Cinema Waale Film and Television Productions LLP & produced by Across Media Solutions. Now, we reveal the final date for the function. So get ready for a night of glitz, glamour, and of course a star-studded affair with the function being held on March 24, 2023 at J W Marriott, Juhu in Mumbai. Bollywood Hungama , the foremost online destination for all things entertainment which with its distinct style of content creation in the world of Bollywood, Television, Hollywood, Music, Lifestyle, and Celebrities, brings to you the first asset of the glitz and glamour that’s soon...