The Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 mania continues on digital streaming platform. The blockbuster started streaming on Netflix from June 19, 2022 and has been available to fans around the world in over 190 countries. Directed by Anees Bazmee and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Murad Khetani, and Krishan Kumar, this entertaining horror comedy stars Kartik Aaryan, Tabu, Kiara Advani in lead roles. After roaring at the box office with Rs. 183.24 crore collections, the film is also seeing immense interest on Netflix. In the few days since it dropped on Netflix, the film is the Non-English content on the streaming giant which has garnered 4.12 million watch hour viewership (June 12-June 19). It is spending its first week at Top 5 on the platform. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Murad Khetani, Anjum Khetani, Krishan Kumar, the film is helmed by Anees Bazmee. Also Read: Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 success: “I had anticipated its success”, says Amar Upadhyay on the film entering the 200 cr. club from Latest...