Akshay Kumar has become the go-to actor for Bollywood when it comes to films with nationalistic themes. Similarly, over the last few years, Taapsee Pannu has become a thriller specialist. After Badla , Game Over , Haseen Dilruba , Looop Lapeta and Dobaaraa , we can now add Blurr in the list. The film is the Hindi adaptation of the Spanish thriller Julia’s Eyes . The film’s trailer, which is just released, reveals that it deals with the story of twins Gayatri and Gautami, both played by Taapsee Pannu. Gayatri’s life turns upside down when Gautami, who was visually challenged, dies by suicide, at least this is what the cops conclude. Gayatri, however, is sure that her sister can’t end her life and starts investigating her death. Her husband (Gulshan Devaiah) doesn’t support her though as he is satisfied with the version of the cops. What’s worse for Gayatri is that she too is slowly losing her eyesight. The trailer makes it clear that Blurr goes onto the thriller mode right from t...