The reality actress, who is 42 years old, took to Instagram on Wednesday to showcase the extravagant Halloween decorations she had put up in her home. Of course, she stayed true to her signature monochromatic color scheme when posting the photos. While Kardashian was demonstrating the extravagant display set up in front of her home for Halloween, she stated, "Okay, I wanted to share my Halloween preparations for this year with you guys." I made the decision to go with a skeleton-themed aesthetic. Therefore I commissioned the fabrication of these bones and skeleton trees. In the video, Kardashian can be seen standing in front of her property in Calabasas, which is decorated with a skull archway and giant trees fashioned out of bones. There are also spooky people wearing hoods and sitting around a bonfire. On the other hand, the dozens of custom-made plaster hands that were sticking out of the ground were her favorite element of the eerie displays. The star of Keeping Up with the Kardashians claimed, "I had a molding party, and they all sculpted, so these are like my kids' hands, these are my nieces and nephews' hands, and you can see a few of our friends' hands." She also mentioned that she welcomed everybody she knew to the party. The founder of the Skims then pointed to her own hands, which she instantly recognizable among the hundreds of plaster models thanks to the length of her artificial nails. She took notice of the way her chef gripped a knife during the molding process for an added fright. Even while Kardashian's exterior decorations are likely to deter a certain number of trick-or-treaters, the interior of her property is the kind of place that might efficiently function as a haunted house. The normally spare interior was decked out from floor to ceiling with gauze, mummies, and cobwebs; the only illumination sources were candles and a piece of artwork. She remarked while demonstrating the ghastly furnishings that at our home, we have a genuinely bizarre circumstance taking place in this room. This is our hallway, and it seems to be filled with mummies... passageway that is quite eerie and disturbing, with my friend James Turrell's moon-like sculpture at the end of it.
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