The 38-year-old director and actress graced the red carpet in another breathtaking gown on Thursday night at the 2022 Women in Film Honors Gala in Beverly Hills, just over a month after she sported various elegant outfits to mark the launch of Don't Worry Darling. Dressed in a slender black floor-length Saint Laurent gown with two eye-catching embellishments, Wilde finished off the appearance by wearing black and gold bangles on each wrist in addition to black pointed sandals. The outfit included a hood and a midriff peekaboo cut-out. Wilde was a guest speaker at the event, and during one of the panels, she emphasized the challenges women face when working in the film industry. She stated that women working in the film industry require that community because it may sometimes be pretty challenging to have one's voice heard. The woman, a mother to two children, also revealed that while working on the movie Meadowland in 2015 with director Reed Morano, she witnessed how the crew appreciated her and learned from her. She wanted to see more women in positions of authority so that others might learn from them. Wilde's appearance at the weekday gala occurred shortly after she stunned the fan base during the Don't Worry Darling publicity tour in other breathtaking outfits. One of these outfits was a green sequined Valentino gown she wore to the San Sebastian International Film Festival, where she barely averted a potential spill on the red carpet. When she attended the Venice Film Festival in the past, she was seen wearing a favorite yellow Gucci dress with a deep V-neckline. The most recent event is not the first time Wilde has been seen in public wearing a cut-out style. She showed up at the performance that her boyfriend Harry Styles was playing in September at Madison Square Garden in New York City. She was donning a cut-out dress by Stella McCartney in white with a sheer top.
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