Following her Dolce & Gabbana collection presentation during a fashion show in Milan, Kim Kardashian attended the after-party wearing a figure-hugging, silver, and glittering Dolce & Gabbana gown. The gown featured revealing tie-ups on the neckline and on the legs and thighs. And the founder of SKIMS, 41 at the time, had trouble walking in it. On Sunday, Kardashian's lifelong friend Stephanie Shepherd posted a video to TikTok where she can be seen jogging up a flight of stairs, making a sharp turn to the side, and then climbing the stairs with the assistance of a railing. After first attempting to ascend the steps by side-stepping, Kardashian swiftly concludes that the only option available to her is to hop. On another set of stairs, Kardashian is seen getting assistance from other people, who are holding her arms while she takes incredibly tiny steps to reach the top. Is there a lift available? Before she tackles yet another flight of stairs, she inquires. This time, though, someone is holding up her dress to ensure it does not get stuck in her high silver heel. The stairs were not the only obstacle that stood in the way of Kardashian's ability to look beautiful in her elegant outfit. Shepherd also provided a video of Kardashian attempting to get into a car but failing miserably. The star of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" bounces up into the sofa, and she quickly slides into position. However, as the amusing video closes, she cannot sit upright and is seen leaning back onto the seat. Shepherd commented next to the humorous footage; I'll let you devise a caption for this. In the comments page, numerous people expressed their admiration for Kardashian's abilities. One fan said that god provides his most challenging battles to his most excellent soldiers, while another fan added, "The way she jumps those steps lmaooo queen."
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