More and more incredible information about Elon Musk's personal life has recently surfaced online. For instance, the billionaire's relationship with actress Natasha Basset ended after it was revealed that a worker at one of his companies had discreetly given birth to twins for him. And now the media is aware that he was the reason for Sergey Brin's divorce from Nicole Shanahan. Sergey learned of Elon and Nicole's relationship in December of last year, just as The Wall Street Journal's reporters discovered. The couple filed for divorce in January 2022, citing "irreconcilable differences" as justification. Almost four years have passed since the pair got married. Reporters talk about Musk's behavior in the interim. Brin did, after all, previously prevent the demise of his business. The billionaires were generally cordial after that. But it's hard to call their current interaction cordial. They claim that despite Elon's honest requests for forgiveness, Sergey was unable to do so. When Brin learned of the affair earlier this year, he made the decision to stop communicating with Musk. In response, he fell to his knees before the founder and apologized. Sergei publicly pardoned Elon. They haven't spoken, though, since that time. One source close to Shanahan told the Publication that although they were divorced, they continued to live together. Brin, who is estimated to be worth $90 billion, is apparently being sued by Shanahan for more than $1 billion, and the two are currently going through divorce mediation. According to individuals close with the negotiations, they have been unable to come to a compromise since Shanahan wants considerably more than what a prenuptial agreement stipulates, while Brin's side claims Shanahan signed the document under duress while she was pregnant. According to the Journal, a lawyer for Brin declined to comment.
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