Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender appeared on the red carpet at Cannes. Recently, naked dresses have reigned at world ceremonies, but in Cannes, many guests rely on timeless, elegant classics. At one of the events of the film festival, Hollywood traditions were supported by the star spouses, Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander. They rarely delight the audience with joint exits, so it was especially interesting to watch the actors. Last year, a joyful event happened in the life of lovers because they had a long-awaited baby, but at the same time, young parents literally disappeared from the public radar. However, they finally marked their new status with a joint exit in the south of France. The Swedish actress expressed her allegiance to fashion house Louis Vuitton, of which she has been an ambassador since receiving her first Oscar for The Danish Girl in 2016. The bronze "mail" of her outfit in a seductive performance was woven from the smallest details, shimmering in the light of the spotlights. The criss-cross top and high-waisted skirt combination perfectly highlighted the figure of the star, who hasn't gotten any better since the baby was born. Otherwise, Alicia kept her make-up understated, with minimal jewelry, and completed the look with a high bun that showed off her delicate features. Michael settled on a discreet suit with a white shirt and a neat tie. The happy dad is not trying to outshine his wife, who decided to personally introduce her heroine Mira from the new comedy series Irma Vep.
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