Sanjay Leela Bhansali's directorial Gangubai Kathiawadi starring Alia Bhatt is just a few days away from the theatrical release. While social media is abuzz, the film continues to land in legal troubles. This time, Maharashtra Congress MLA Amin Patel has filed a petition in Bombay High Court to change the name of the film and remove words, alleging it shows Kamathipura as a red-light area and the Kathiawadi community in poor light. The hearing for the same will take place on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. According to News18, the petition said, “If the movie is allowed to be released with the name Kamathipura, then it would cause harm and disrespect to the residents, especially women." A resident of Kamathipura, Shradha Surve, had filed a petition mentioning before a division bench of Justices Gautam Patel and Madhav Jamdar on Tuesday, seeking urgent hearing since the film arrives in theatres on February 25, 2022. Similarly, Congress MLA Amin Patel filed a petition raising ...